Residence Permit Through Sole Trader Business Registration

6000 Euro



Slovakia, officially known as the Slovak Republic, is a landlocked country located in central Europe. It shares borders with the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east, and Hungary to the south. Here are some key points about Slovakia:

A Slovakian Temporary Residence Permit is a document, issued to foreigners, which gives you opportunities to immigrate, live and work in Slovakia during the entire time of the document's validity.


 Anyone arriving in Slovakia with the intention of staying longer than the validity of a tourist visa requires a permit. This must be requested from and issued by the Slovak authorities, you will arrive to Slovakia on a visa based on a sole trader license. The permit is different to the standard visa in that it allows the holder to begin the residency application process. This allows you to pursue business activity, purchase property and reside in Slovakia.

Advantages of Having a Slovakia Residence Permit

  • 1. Residency Permit: With a residence permit, you can legally reside in this rapidly developing European country for the entire duration of the permit card.

  • 2. Open Borders: Having a residence permit in Slovakia allows you to freely move between the 28 countries of the European Union without requiring additional visas or permits.

  • 3. Business Opportunities: A residence permit enables entrepreneurs to work without restrictions not only in the Slovak market but also to freely cooperate with other EU countries. The local authorities have a positive attitude toward immigrants, creating a favorable environment for business.

  • 4. Flexible Stay: You can move to Slovakia at any time and even conduct remote business from your home country while maintaining your residence permit.

  • 5. Family Reunification: Family members of a residence permit holder can also obtain permits under a simplified scheme, allowing you to reunite with your loved ones

  • 6. Quality Education: Children of residence permit holders can access quality secondary and higher education in Slovak schools and universities for free.

  • 7. Access to Loans and Real Estate: Having a residence permit increases your chances of obtaining loans for business ventures or purchasing real estate.

  • 8. Social Guarantees and Healthcare: Slovakia is considered one of the most welcoming countries for immigrants. It offers social benefits and high-quality medical care, making it an attractive destination.

Slovakia Residence Permit:

Residence Permit -Business Trade License

  • Citizens of non-EU countries wishing to stay in Slovakia for more than three months must apply for a Residency Permit Card.

    The applicant will apply for a trade licence based on sole trader activities. With the licence the client will become eligible to apply for a visa and temporary residence permit, initially for one year with the possibility of renewal.

    Once the necessary documents (trade licence, criminal clearance certificate among others) are gathered in an orderly fashion, the client must go to their nearest Slovakian embassy  and apply for the visa and TRP. A decision will be made in no more than 90 days from the day of submission.

Option 1

Bringing your family to Slovakia with you?

Family members of the applicant who has legally been in Slovakia for one year and has a residence permit for one more year, may apply for a family regrouping visa. In this case your spouse and minor children (under18) will obtain a residence permit for the same period which your residence permit card is given for and will immigrate to Slovakia together with you. (For example, spouse, common law partner, and dependants, including children under 18 and parents over 65) to join you in Slovakia.

If you want to apply at the same time with a family member who is of legal age, it is recommended to follow the steps of company creation and employment but for more than one applicant, which would mean that your documents would be processed simultaneously, and you would be eligible to travel together. 

Option 2

Permanent residence permits to live in Slovakia

You can apply for a long-term residence permit if you have resided in Slovakia for 5 years on the basis of temporary residence permit directly before submitting an application for long-term residence permit. You can obtain the Slovakian Passport after 10 years of living in Slovakia.


Contact us to know more about how to obtain a Residence Permit in Slovakia  and our team of experts will contact you within 24hrs.

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